Donate to the Cause

We are on a mission to open a brick-and-mortar location in the next couple of years to have a dedicated counter and a place to hold our cheese experiences. A physical storefront will also allow us to purchase more product from our local producers, offering them a greater range of support. At the same time, our customers will be able to reach us on a more regular schedule. We will still be able to do off-site events and we'll even be able to target different locations in our community to offer a wider selection of artisan cheese, charcuterie. and gourmet food.
Finally, we'll be able to offer more educational opportunities from our shop. We are trying to take our next steps without taking on a significant amount of debt; as we are building the shop from the ground up, we seek to be self-sufficient as possible.
Any donations will act as working capital that will go directly toward expanding our business, specifically toward acquiring our location and then outfitting it with refrigeration, display units, equipment, etc.